A guest talk on ‘Marketing Today’
A guest talk on ‘Marketing Today’ was organized by the Department of Commerce for the first year B.Com students on 05/02/2020 at Sir CV Raman Hall, KCLAS. Mr Syed Parvez, Park Technologies, was the resource person for the Guest Talk Series. Ms Farzeen, welcomed the guest and introduced him to her fellow mates which was followed by Mr. Aanjan who proposed a vote of thanks to the speaker for sharing his marketing experiences with the students.
Mr. Syed Parvez is a young mind and current generation entrepreneur, who has ventured Park Technologies (a web designing company specializing in Online stores and tools), Grafuta (an Online grocery store in town that delivers groceries and fresh veggies) and Royal Park (a gift retail outlet with thoughtful gifts for all occasions). All these experiences gained throughout his journey of exploring these ventures were shared with the students.
He had highlighted on the importance of marketing and its role in an organization with a further explanation on the concepts related to marketing such as push and pull strategy, at the top line and bottom line marketing strategies. The students were also made aware of the activities involved in market research and the importance that the area holds. A clear perspective of the marketing mix (4P’s) was explained to the students with examples of the existing products. The speaker also made sure that the students are well aware of the recent trends of marketing and its related activities by explaining Guerilla Marketing, Digital Marketing and Social Media Marketing.
Through this Guest Talk Series, students were able to capture the recent trends of Marketing and the modern ways of marketing methods that would help sustain the business organization and help them gain competitive advantage. Students were able to understand the basic concepts related to marketing and its applications in day-to-day activities of an organization.