Holds a B.Sc and M.Sc degree from Holy Cross College and M.Phil from Madurai Kamaraj University. Awarded PhD degree by Avinashilingam University for the contribution in the field of Stochastic Modelling. Research focus is to inculcate knowledge in decision making by analyzing all real world issues technically.
Gardening, reading new research articles related to real word issues
Being altruistic, passion towards teaching
To develop a Math Clinic
Mother Theresa
Level | Degree | University | Year |
Post Graduate | Ph.D | Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women | 2008 |
Post Graduate | M.Phil | Madurai Kamaraj University | 1992 |
Post Graduate | M.Sc | Madurai Kamaraj University | 1991 |
Under Graduate | B.Sc | Madurai Kamaraj University | 1989 |
Level | Research Topic | University | Year |
Ph.D | Stochastic Frontier Production Function-An application to Turmeric Production in North Western region of Tamil Nadu | Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women | 2008 |
Sl.No. | Title | Name of Journal / Vol. No. / Issue No. / Page Nos | ISSN No. | Month Year |
1 | Data Envelopment Analysis- an application to turmeric production in North Western Region of Tamil Nadu (Springer-Scopus Indexed) | OPSEARCH: 47(3): 205-215 | ISSN No. 0975-0320 | 2010 |
2 | Measuring Technical Efficiency of of Turmeric Production using Parametric Stochastic Frontier Models | International Journal of Mathematical Archive, Vol.5(12): 31-39 | ISSN 2229 – 5046. (UGC Journal No: 47756) | 2014 |
3 | Translog Normal- Half normal Stochastic frontier Production Function- An Application to Turmeric Production | International Journal of Mathematical Trends and Technology, Vol.(16): 79-86 | ISSN: 2231-5373. (UGC Journal No: 48198) | 2014 |
4 | Normal-Uniform Distributed Stochastic Production Frontier Model | International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology (IJMTT), V38(2):114-118 | ISSN: 2231-5373(UGC Journal No: 48198) | 2016 |
5 | A Normal-Half Normal Distributed Stochastic Cost Frontier Model . October2016(UGC Journal No: 48198) | International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology (IJMTT), ISSN:2231-5373V38(3):119-124 | ISSN: 2231-5373(UGC Journal No: 48198) | 2016 |
6 | Normal-Doubly Truncated Normal Stochastic Production Frontier Model | Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research Vol.3, Issue-4,751-757 | ISSN: 2454-1362 | 2017 |
7 | Derivation of normal – exponential model for stochastic cost frontier analysis | International Journal of Mathematical Archive-8(7), 2017, 234-240 | ISSN 2229 – 5046 (UGC Journal No: 47756) | 2017 |
8 | Maximum Likelihood Estimate of Stochastic Cost Frontier Function: An application to maize farming and hypothesis testing | Journal of Global Research in Mathematical Archives, Vol. (4), No. 12, 01-08 | ISSN: 2320-5822 (UGC Journal No: 64172) | 2017 |
9 | Normal- Half normal model for the incorporation of exogenous factors on efficiency analysis and its application | International Journal of Scientific Research in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, 4(6): 01-06 | ISSN: 2348-4519 (UGC Journal No: 63061) | 2017 |
10 | An Application to Paddy Farmers in Southern Region of Tamil Nadu using Normal- Half Normal Cobb-Douglas Stochastic Production Frontier Model | Journal of Global Research in Mathematical Achieves(JGRMA), 4(11) :136-143. | ISSN: 2320-5822 (UGC Journal No: 64172) | 2017 |
11 | Normal- Rayleigh Stochastic Production Frontier model | International journal of Mathematics and its Applications, 5(4-E) : 741-746 | ISSN: 2347-1557 | 2017 |
12 | Normal Exponential Exogenous Model and its Application | Annals of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 16(1), 235-239 | ISSN: 2279-087X(P), 2279-0888 (UGC Journal No: 48890) | 2018 |
13 | A Non-parametric Approach to estimate the technical efficiency of paddy farmers in southern region of Tamil Nadu, India | International Journal of Scientific Research in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences , Volume-5, Issue-1, pp.25-28 | ISSN: 2348-4519 (UGC Journal No:63061) | 2018 |
14 | Efficiency Analysis: An insight into DEA cost model and its application | International journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology(IJESRT)Vol.7(2) | ISSN: 2277-9655 (UGC Journal No: 43449) | 2018 |
15 | Maximization of Technical Efficiency of a Normal Truncated Skewed Laplace Stochastic Production Frontier Model | International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology, Page: 54-67 | ISSN: 2231-5373 (UGC Journal No: 48198) | 2018 |
16 | Maximization of Technical Efficiency of a Normal-Half Normal Stochastic Production Frontier Model | Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. Volume 13, Number 10 (2017), pp. 7353-7364 (Scopus indexed-UGC Journal No.27985) | ISSN 0973-1768 | 2018 |
17 | Normal Gamma Model for the Incorporation of exogenous factors on Efficiency analysis | International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics(Scopus) ,119(12):15995-16001 | (UGC Journal No: 23425;19700182690 record id for scopus ) | 2018 |
18 | A Comparative study on measuring technical efficiency on paddy production using Stochastic Production Frontier Analysis (SPFA) | International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics(Scopus) ,119(12):16037-16043 | ISSN No.1311-8080 (UGC Journal No: 23425;19700182690 record id for scopus ) | 2018 |
Sl.No. | Title of the Article | Name of the Conference /Seminar /Symposium | Venue/Place | Date |
1 | Role of Probability Distributions in Measuring Technical Efficiency Scores | UGC & DST – Curie sponsored International Conference on “Mathematics and its Applications – A New wave (ICMANW – 2011) | Avinashilingam University for Women | 21st and 22nd December 2011 |
2 | A Beta distributed Stochastic Production Frontier Model | International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Informatics, (ICAMI 2017) | Kongu Engineeering College, Erode | 17th and 18th March 2017 |
3 | Maximization of Technical efficiency of a Normal Truncated Skewed Laplace Stochastic Production Frontier Model | International Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematics and Information Technology | Avinashilingam Institute | 1st and 2nd March 2018 |
4 | Normal Gamma Model for the Incorporation of Exogenous factors on Efficiency Analysis | International Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematics and Information Technology | Avinashilingam Institute | 1st and 2nd March 2018 |
5 | A Comparative study on measuring technical efficiency on paddy production using StochasticProduction Frontier Analysis (SPFA) | International Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematics and Information Technology | Avinashilingam Institute | 1st and 2nd March 2018 |
6 | Measuring Technical Efficiency of Turmeric Production using Parametric Stochastic Frontier Models | UGC sponsored National Conference on Recent Advances in Statistics and Computer Applications | Bharathiar University | 21st to 23rd December 2010 |
7 | UGC sponsored National Seminar on “Challenges of 21st century in Mathematics and its allied Topics” (CCMAT- 2005) | Mathematical Model to Measure Production Inefficiency in Turmeric in North Western Districts of Tamil Nadu | Nirmala College for Women, Coimbatore | 15th and 16th September 2009 |
8 | National Seminar on Current trends in Biological Sciences | Association of rust (Puccinia arachidis Speg.,) related attributes and pod yield in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.), p89. | Avinashilingam University for Women | 12th and 13th December.2002 |
9 | National Conference on Mathematical Modelling | Modelling the Technical Efficiency of Production | Avinashilingam Institute | 14th July 2017 |
10 | National Conference on Mathematical Modelling | Cost Efficiency Estimate of Maize Production in the Western Region of Coimbatore | Avinashilingam Institute | 14th July 2017 |
11 | National Conference on Mathematical Modelling | Technical Efficiency and its Determinants in Paddy Production in Thiruvarur District, the Southernmost tip of Tamil Nadu using Cobb-Douglas Stochastic Production Frontier Analysis | Avinashilingam Institute | 14th July 2017 |
12 | National Conference on Mathematical Modelling | Review of Literature on the estimation of efficiency in the education sector, National Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Applications | Avinashilingam Institute | 14th July 2017 |
13 | National Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematics and its Applications in Science and Engineering | Normal-Doubly Truncated Normal distributed Stochastic Production Frontier Model | Dr.N.G.P Institute of Technology,Pollachi | 3rd February 2017 |
14 | Cost Efficiency Estimate of Maize Production in the Western region of Coimbatore District of Tamil Nadu: A Cobb Douglas Frontier Approach | Dr.N.G.P Institute of Technology,Pollachi | 3rd February 2017 |
Sl.No. | Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training programme | Name of Oraganiser | Place | Dates |
1 | DST-CURIE sponsored workshop on”Usage of Latex Software” | Dept. of BMIE, Avinashilingam Institute | Coimbatore | 24-02-2012 |
2 | NAAC sponsored National Level Workshop on ‘Internal Quality Assurance System – A Tool For Measuring Excellence’ | Sri G.V.G. Visalakshi College For Women | Udumalpet | 06/02/2012 & 07/02/2012 |
3 | “Sensitization of UGC norms for promotion and recruitment of University teachers” | Avinashilingam Deemed University for Women | Coimbatore | 30.11.2010 |
4 | Short Term Course on ‘SPSS Hands on Training’ | Academic Staff College, Bharathiar University | Coimbatore | 03.01.2013 to 09.01.2013 |
5 | orientation course | UGC- Academic Staff College | Coimbatore | 07-05-2010 to 03-06-2010 |
6 | NSS Refresher Course | Avinashilingam Deemed University for Women | Coimbatore | 15-12- 2008 to 19-12-2008 |
7 | NSS Orientation Course | Avinashilingam University for Women | Coimbatore | 4.10.’06 to 12.10.’06 |
8 | TEQIP sponsored Faculty Development Programme on “Mordern Tools for Simulation, Digital Design and Data Acquisition” | Government College of Technology | Coimbatore | 21.11.2005- 4.12.2005 |
No. | Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others | Description | Organisation | Month/ Year |
1 | Distinguished Researcher in Mathematics | For the outstanding contribution in the field of research and Co-Curriculum | “Idamas Learning Center, Malaysia | August,2018 |
.No | Name of the Faculty | Department | Designation | Degree | Programme | Major / Specialisation | University | Year of Passing | Qualification Approval No |
1 | Dr. L. Mary Louis | Mathematics | Professor | UG | Mathematics | Mathematics | Madurai Kamraj University | 1989 | |
PG | Mathematics | Mathematics | Madurai Kamraj University | 1991 | |||||
M.Phil | Mathematics | Mathematics | Madurai Kamraj University | 1992 | 00579/A2/98 | ||||
Ph.D | Mathematics | Stochastic Modelling | Avinashilingam University | 2008 | |||||
PhD Guideship | Mathematics | Mathematics | Avinashilingam University | 2015 |
S.No. | Name of the periodical | Title | Periodicity | Date |
1 | Vingana Sudar | π Uruvana varalaru | Monthly | Jan 2005 |
S.No. | Theme of Conference | Date | Organising Institution | Level |
1 | Probability theory & Linear Algebra in Artificial Intelligence 2019 | 8.11.2019 | Coimbatore institute of Technology | National |
2 | Designing Competency Based Curriculam for Quality Improvement’ | 24.03.2011 to 25.03.2011 | Vellalar College for Women, Erode | National |
3 | Recent Advances in Statistics and Computer Applications’ | 21.12.2010 -23.12. 2010 | Dept. of Statistics,Bharathiar University, Coimbatore | National |
4 | Role of Faculty in Shaping the Best Technocrats | 11.11.2009 – 12.11. 2009 | Faculty of Engineering, Avinashilingam University for Women, Coimbatore- | National |
5 | Emerging Research Trends in Thin Film and Nanotechnology | 3.10.2009 | Govt. College of Technology, Coimbatore | National |
6 | Emerging Trends in Nanotechnology | 23.02.2007 | Avinashilingam University for Women, | National |
7 | Challenges of 21st century in Mathematics and its allied Topics” (CCMAT- 2005) | 15.09.2005-16.09.2005 | Nirmala College for Women, Coimbatore | National |
8 | Power and Perspectives of Women in the changing society and concept of gravity by Newton, Einstein and Vedhathiri | 29.01.2002 | Avinashilingam University for Women, | National |
9 | Recent Developments in Mathematics | 24.03.2001 | Scott Christian College, Nagercoil-3 | National |
10 | Developments and Career opportunities in IT Industry | 11.02.2003 | Department of Information Technology at Avinashilingam University for Women, | National |
11 | Communal Harmony among NSS Volunteers | 23.08.2008 | Avinashilingam University for Women, | State |
12 | Empowerment of Women | 24.03.2004 | Avinashilingam University for Women, British Council, Chennai | State |
13 | Intellectual Property Rights-2014 | 15.03.2014 | Avinashilingam University for Women, | National |
14 | Technology in Early Cancer Detection for Women | 3.09.2015-4.09.2015 | Faculty of Engineering, Avinashilingam University for Women, Coimbatore- | National |
15 | Interaction of radiation with Magnetic Nanomaterials IRMN-2016 | 18.01.2016-19.01.2019 | Faculty of Engineering, Avinashilingam University for Women, Coimbatore- | National |
S.No. | Author/ Co-Authors | Title of the paper | Title of the conference | Organiser | Date | Level |
1 | Mary Louis.L | Role of Probability Distributions in Measuring Technical Efficiency Scores | UGC & DST – Curie sponsored International Conference on “Mathematics and its Applications – A New wave (ICMANW – 2011) | Avinashilingam University for Women | 21st and 22nd December 2011 | National |
2 | Mary Louis.L/S. Sangeethamani | A Beta distributed Stochastic Production Frontier Model | International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Informatics, (ICAMI 2017) | Kongu Engineeering College, Erode | 17th and 18th March 2017 | National |
3 | Mary Louis.L, S. Kannaki | Maximization of Technical efficiency of a Normal Truncated Skewed Laplace Stochastic Production Frontier Model | International Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematics and Information Technology | Avinashilingam Institute | 1st and 2nd March 2018 | National |
4 | Mary Louis.L, Shameena H Khan | Normal Gamma Model for the Incorporation of Exogenous factors on Efficiency Analysis | International Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematics and Information Technology | Avinashilingam Institute | 1st and 2nd March 2018 | National |
5 | Mary Louis.L, S. Kannaki | A Comparative study on measuring technical efficiency on paddy production using StochasticProduction Frontier Analysis (SPFA) | International Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematics and Information Technology | Avinashilingam Institute | 1st and 2nd March 2018 | National |
6 | Mary Louis.L | Measuring Technical Efficiency of Turmeric Production using Parametric Stochastic Frontier Models | UGC sponsored National Conference on Recent Advances in Statistics and Computer Applications | Bharathiar University | 21st to 23rd December 2010 | National |
7 | Mary Louis.L | Mathematical Model to Measure Production Inefficiency in Turmeric in North Western Districts of Tamil Nadu | UGC sponsored National Seminar on “Challenges of 21st century in Mathematics and its allied Topics” (CCMAT- 2005) | Nirmala College for Women, Coimbatore | 15th and 16th September 2009 | National |
8 | Mary Louis.L, S. Raveendran | Association of rust (Puccinia arachidis Speg.,) related attributes and pod yield in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.), p89. | National Seminar on Current trends in Biological Sciences | Avinashilingam University for Women | 12th and 13th December . 2002 | National |
9 | Mary Louis.L | Modelling the Technical Efficiency of Production | National Conference on Mathematical Modelling | Avinashilingam Institute | 14th July 2017 | National |
10 | Mary Louis.L, Shameena H Khan | Cost Efficiency Estimate of Maize Production in the Western Region of Coimbatore | National Conference on Mathematical Modelling | Avinashilingam Institute | 14th July 2017 | National |
11 | Mary Louis.L, S. Kannaki | Technical Efficiency and its Determinants in Paddy Production in Thiruvarur District, the Southernmost tip of Tamil Nadu using Cobb-Douglas Stochastic Production Frontier Analysis | National Conference on Mathematical Modelling | Avinashilingam Institute | 14th July 2017 | National |
12 | Mary Louis.L, S. Sangeethamani | Review of Literature on the estimation of efficiency in the education sector, National Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Applications | National Conference on Mathematical Modelling | Avinashilingam Institute | 14th July 2017 | National |
13 | Mary Louis.L, S. Kannaki | Normal-Doubly Truncated Normal distributed Stochastic Production Frontier Model | National Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematics and its Applications in Science and Engineering | Dr.N.G.P Institute of Technology,Pollachi | 3rd February 2017 | National |
14 | Mary Louis.L, Shameena H Khan | Cost Efficiency Estimate of Maize Production in the Western region of Coimbatore District of Tamil Nadu: A Cobb Douglas Frontier Approach | National Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematics and its Applications in Science and Engineering | Dr.N.G.P Institute of Technology,Pollachi | 3rd February 2017 |
S.No. | Author/ Co-Author | Title | Name of the Journal | Date of Publication | Volume No./ Issue No./ Page No./ISSN No. | URL – Link | ||
1 | Mary Louis.L and A. John Joel | Data Envelopment Analysis- an application to Turmeric production in North Western Region of Tamil Nadu | OPSEARCH | 2010 | 47(3): 205-215, ISSN No. 0975-0320 | https://link.springer.com/journal/volumesAndIssues/12597 | ||
2 | L.Mary Louis | Measuring Technical Efficiency of Turmeric Production using Parametric Stochastic Frontier Models (UGC Journal No: 47756) | International Journal of Mathematical Archive | 2014 | 5(12): 31-39, ISSN 2229 – 5046 | https://www.ijma.info | ||
3 | L.Mary Louis | Translog Normal- Half normal Stochastic frontier Production Function- An Application to Turmeric Production (UGC Journal No: 48198) | International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology | 2014 | 16(2): 79-86. ISSN: 2231-5373 | www.ijmttjournal.org/archive | ||
4 | S. Kannaki, Mary Louis | Normal-Uniform Distributed Stochastic Production Frontier Model(UGC Journal No: 48198) | International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology (IJMTT) | 2016 | 38(2):114-118, ISSN: 2231-5373 | www.ijmttjournal.org/archive | ||
5 | Shameena.H.Khan, Mary Louis,L | A Normal-Half Normal Distributed Stochastic Cost Frontier Model(UGC Journal No: 48198) | International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology (IJMTT) | 2016 | 38(3):119-124,ISSN:2231-5373 | www.ijmttjournal.org/archive | ||
6 | S. Kannaki, Mary Louis .L | Normal-Doubly Truncated Normal Stochastic Production Frontier Model | Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research | 2017 | 3(4):751-757, ISSN: 2454-1362 | https://www.researchgate.net/journal/2454-1362_Imperial_Journal_of_Interdisciplinary… | ||
7 | Shameena.H.Khan, Mary Louis,L | Derivation of normal – exponential model for stochastic cost frontier analysis(UGC Journal No: 47756) | International Journal of Mathematical Archive | 2017 | 8(7): 234-240, ISSN 2229 – 5046 | https://www.ijma.info | ||
8 | Shameena.H.Khan, Mary Louis,L | Maximum Likelihood Estimates of Stochastic Cost Frontier Function: An application to the maize farming and hypothesis testing(UGC Journal No: 64172) | Journal of Global Research in Mathematical Archives | 2017 | 4(12): 01-08. ISSN: 2320-5822 | www.jgrma.info | ||
9 | Shameena H Khan, Mary Louis,L | Normal- Half normal model for the incorporation of exogenous factors on efficiency analysis and its application(UGC Journal No: 63061) | International Journal of Scientific Research in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences | 2017 | 4(6): 01-06, ISSN: 2348-4519 | https://www.isroset.org/journal/IJSRMSS/index.php | ||
10 | S.Kannaki, L.Mary Louis , | An Application to Paddy Farmers in Southern Region of Tamil Nadu using Normal- Half Normal Cobb-Douglas Stochastic Production Frontier Model(UGC Journal No: 64172) | Journal of Global Research in Mathematical Achieves(JGRMA) | 2017 | 4(11) :136-143. ISSN: 2320-5822 | www.jgrma.info | ||
11 | S. Kannaki and L. Mary Louis | Normal- Rayleigh Stochastic Production Frontier model | International Journal of Mathematics and its Applications | 2017 | 5(4-E) : 741-746. ISSN: 2347-1557 | https://ijmaa.in/ | ||
12 | Shameena H Khan, Mary Louis,L | Normal Exponential Exogenous Model and its Application (UGC Journal No: 48890) | Annals of Pure and Applied Mathematics | 2018 | 16(1), 235-239, ISSN: 2279-087X(P), 2279-0888 | http://www.researchmathsci.org/APAMeditorial.html | ||
13 | S. Kannaki and L. Mary Louis | A Non-parametric Approach to estimate the technical efficiency of paddy farmers in southern region of Tamil Nadu, India (UGC Journal No:63061) | International Journal of Scientific Research in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences | 2018 | 5(1):25-28, ISSN: 2348-4519 | https://www.isroset.org › journal › IJSRMSS | ||
14 | Shameena H Khan, Mary Louis,L | Efficiency Analysis: An insight into DEA cost model and its application (UGC Journal No: 43449) | International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology(IJESRT) | 2018 | 7(2):553-559, ISSN: 2277-9655 | www.ijesrt.com | ||
15 | Sangeethamani.S, Mary Louis.L | Maximization of Technical Efficiency of a Normal Truncated Skewed Laplace Stochastic Production Frontier Model(UGC Journal No: 48198) | International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology | 2018 | 54-67, ISSN: 2231-5373 | www.ijmttjournal.org/archive | ||
16 | Sangeethamani. S, Mary Louis.L | Maximization of Technical Efficiency of a Normal-Half Normal Stochastic Production Frontier Model(Scopus indexed-UGC Journal No.27985) | Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics | 2017 | 13(10): 7353-7364 , ISSN 0973-1768 | https://www.ripublication.com › gjpam | ||
17 | Shameena.H.Khan and Mary Louis,L | Normal Gamma Model for the Incorporation of exogenous factors on Efficiency analysis (UGC Journal No: 23425;19700182690 record id for scopus ) | International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics | 2018 | 119(12):15995-16001 | https://ijpam.eu | ||
18 | S. Kannaki and L. Mary Louis | A Comparative study on measuring technical efficiency on paddy production using Stochastic Production Frontier Analysis (SPFA) (UGC Journal No: 23425;19700182690 record id for scopus ) | International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics | 2018 | 119(12):16037-16043, ISSN No.1311-8080 | https://ijpam.eu | ||
19 | Sangeethamani S, Mary Louis L | Estimation of Technical Efficiency of a Normal Exponential Stochastic Frontier Production Model- An Application in Measuring Technical Efficiency of Schools in Coimbatore and Tirupur districts(UGC Journal No: 64529, Scopus indexed 2010-2017) | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research | 2019 | 14(14): 3159-3170, ISSN 0973-9769 | https://www.ripublication.com › ijaer | ||
20 | Sangeethamani S, Mary Louis L | Estimation of Technical Efficiency of a Normal Exponential Stochastic Frontier Production Model- An Application in Measuring Technical Efficiency of Schools in Coimbatore and Tirupur districts | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research | 2019 | 14(14): 3317-3321, ISSN 0973-9769 | https://www.ripublication.com › ijaer | ||
21 | L. Mary Louis | Estimation of Technical Efficiency of a Normal Exponential Stochastic Frontier Production Model- An Application in Measuring Technical Efficiency of Schools in Coimbatore and Tirupur districts | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research | Jul-19 | ISSN 0973-4562 | |||
22 | L. Mary Louis | Probabilistic and Deterministic Approaches in Measuring Technical Efficiency of Government Schools in Coimbatore and Tirupur Districts of Tamil Nadu | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research | Jul-19 | ISSN 0973-4562 |
S.No | Title of the programme | Workshop/FDP/Training | No.of Days | Name of Oraganiser | Level | Date | |
From | To | ||||||
1 | TEQUIP III sponsored Six Day Hands on Training on Mathematical Modelling and Data Analysis using R and SPSS | FDP | 6 | Dept. of Mathematics, Coimbatore Institute of Technology | National | 12.12.2019 | 17.12.2019 |
2 | DST-CURIE sponsored workshop on”Usage of Latex Software” | FDP | 1 | Dept. of BMIE, Avinashilingam Institute | State | 2.24.2012 | 9.01.2013 |
3 | Short Term Course on ‘SPSS Hands on Training | FDP | 7 | UGC -Academic Staff College, Bharathiar University | National | 3.01.2013 | |
4 | NAAC sponsored National Level Workshop on ‘Internal Quality Assurance System – A Tool For Measuring Excellence’ | FDP | 2 | Sri G.V.G. Visalakshi College For Women,Udumalpet | National | 06.02.2012 | 07.02.2012 |
5 | “Sensitization of UGC norms for promotion and recruitment of University teachers” | FDP | 1 | Avinashilingam Deemed University for Women | National | 30.11.2010 | |
6 | Orientation course | Orientation programme | 28 | UGC -Academic Staff College, Bharathiar University | National | 07.05.2010 | 03.06.2010 |
7 | NSS Refresher Course | Refresher Course | 5 | Avinashilingam University for Women, Coimbatore | National | 15.12.2008 | 19.12.2008 |
8 | NSS Orientation Course | Orientation programme | 9 | Avinashilingam University for Women, Coimbatore | National | 4.10.’06 | 12.10.’06 |
9 | Mordern Tools for Simulation, Digital Design and Data Acquisition | Faculty Development Programme | 15 | Government College of Technology, Coimbatore | National | 21.11.2005 | 4.12.2005 |
S.No | Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others | Description | Organisation / Institution | Month/ Year |
1 | Distinguished Researcher in Mathematics | Outstanding contribution in the field of research and Co-Curriculum | International Journal for Research Under Literal Access” accredited by, “Idamas Learning Center, Malaysia” | 15.8.2018 |
2 | International Innovative Researcher in Mathematic | International Innovation Betterment & Excellence in Technical Research as per qualifications, Knowledge, Experience, Academic Performance, Achievements, Contributions and dedicated services in the field of Mathematics | RULA Research Peace Award in association with World Research Council and United Medical Council, Malaysia | 15.8.2019 |
University Rank holder | University fourth rank in M.Phil Mathematics | Madurai Kamaraj University | 1991-’92 | |
University Rank holder | University fifth rank in M.Sc Mathematics | Madurai Kamaraj University | 1990-’91 | |
University Rank holder | University fifth rank in B.Sc Mathematics | Madurai Kamaraj University | 1988-’89 | |
Best Outgone | BSc Mathematics | Holy Cross College | 1989 | |
Best Outgone | MSc Mathematics | Holy Cross College | 1991 | |
Winner | Quiz competition-Mathematics Association | Holy Cross College | 1988 | |
Proficiency in Mathematics | First place | Holy Cross College | 1988 | |
Proficiency in Physics | First Place | Holy Cross College | 1988 |
S.No. | Title of the programme | Nature of the program | Organisation / Institution | Date |
1 | National seminar on Mathematics and its Applications | National | Karpagam Institute, Coimbatore | 4.10.2018 |
Faculty Online Course/ Certification Details | |||||||
S.No | Name of the Faculty | Course | University | Portal | Duration | Date of Completion | Certificate Link |
1 | Prof. Jeffrey R Chasnov | Fibonacci Numbers and Golden ratio | The Hong Kong University of science and Technology, | Coursera | 4 weeks | 25/08/2019 | |
2 | Prof. Jeffrey R Chasnov | Matrix Algebra for Engineers | The Hong Kong University of science and Technology | Coursera | 4 weeks | 31/12/2019 | |
3 | Prof. Alex Mannella | Data-driven Decision Making | PwC Global Networking, US | Coursera | 4 weeks | 06-01-2020 |
S.No | Date | Author/ Co-Author (s) | Name of the Faculty | Name of the Book | If Edited Chapter, Specify with Chapter Number & Title | Date & Year of Publication | Publisher | ISSN/ ISBN No. | Year |
1 | July, 2017 | Mary Louis, L and D. Sumitha | L. Mary Louis | Poceedings of National Conference on Mathematical modelling | July, 2017 | Sree Kumaran Computers, Coimbatore | 978-93-5268-964-4 | 2017 | |
Doctoral Committee / Member of BoS / External Examiner | |||||||
S.No. | Faculty Name | Department | Type of role | Institution | Place | Period | |
From | To | ||||||
1 | Dr. L. Mary LouisMathematics | Conduct of PhD Viva Voce Examination | Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women | Coimbatore | 14.08. 2019 |
Professional Membership Details | |||||||
S.No. | Faculty Name | Department | Type of Member | Institution | Place | Validity of Membership | |
From | To | ||||||
1 | Dr. L. Mary Louis | Mathematics | Life Time,LM 78382 | Indian Society for technical Education | New Delhi | 2003 onwards | |
2 | Dr. L. Mary Louis | Mathematics | Life Time | International Journal for Research under Literal Access | Malaysia | 15.8.2018 onwards | |
3 | Dr. L. Mary Louis | Mathematics | One year,WRC-RPA-IND-101342 | World Research Council | Malaysia | 15.8.2019 | 15.9.2020 |
Research Guide Approval Number from University | Avinashilingam University | |
Programme | Completed | On Going |
M.Phil | – | – |
Ph.D | 3 | – |