Department of English conducted a Workshop on “Writing- A New Generation Perspective.” Mr.Ravi Kumar Adapa, Principal Technical Writer, Oracle, Hyderabad, was the resource person.
The resource person set the platform ready for the workshop by asking the students about how do they start when they write, i.e. understanding the audience, the purpose and the expected result of the writing. He insisted not to be a part of herd behaviour.
The session continued with the importance of presentation and packaging in the new generation writing. The New generation writers include NLP, NLU, ML, UX Writer, AI Writer, BOI Writer, Social Media Writer, Content Curator, Content Strategist, Information Architect. He explained the concept of SOP, SOW and the Service companies need Proposal writers. The Product companies need Technical writers. He divided the students into groups and made them perform activities to develop writing, using Apps. He insisted that writing should have correct vocabulary, creativity, originality, and clarity of thoughts.
He concluded the session by a note to the students that it is essential to know that, traits are created by oneself and it is necessary to follow with full effort.