Department of Mathematics organised a workshop on Measuring Technical Efficiency using Frontier 4.1 for undergraduate Mathematics students on 30/09/2019 at Lecture Hall 6, KCLAS. The resource person was Dr.S. Kannaki, Assistant Professor of Mathematics,, Dr. NGP Arts and Science College, Coimbatore. The program started with the welcome address of Ms.S.Rasika Priya of I B.Sc. Mathematics, KCLAS and she introduced the guest to the gathering. In the first session Dr. S. Kannaki presented the basic concepts of Technical Efficiency and the importance of measuring Technical Efficiency Scores for decision making. The parametric production function model viz., Cobb- Douglas production function was applied to measure the efficiency score. The half-normal distribution was considered over inefficiency error term.
In the hands on session normalization of the data was done by considering logarithm to the data collected. Students were able to perform the procedures explained by the resource person and individual technical efficiency scores were evaluated for the real world data identified by the students. The parameters were evaluated using MLE technique. The method to evaluate the potential to increase the productivity was also discussed. The workshop was highly effective as the students learned how to evaluate Technical Efficiency Score for any real world problem.