Study Visit – Roots Industries India Limited
Department of Commerce organised a study visit to Roots Industries India Limited (Automotive Division) for II B.Com PA students on 15th February 2020. 49 students accompanied by 2 faculty members visited the Roots Industries India Limited (Automotive Division). The objective of this visit was to study and understand the functioning of the different departments of Roots Industries. Industrial visits are very important for every student as it provides a clear picture of the functioning of an Organisation.
ROOTS INDUSTRIES LTD (RIL) is a leading manufacturer of horns in India and the 11th largest horn manufacturing company in the world, Head quartered in Coimbatore, India. ROOTS have been a dominant player in the manufacture of Horns, casting products, Industrial cleaning machines, Precision products and other products like Electronic Horns, Brake Shoes, Brake Pads, Halogen Lamps, Relays, Melody Makers, Roots Parking Guide System, Piston & Rings, Flashes, etc., Since its establishment in 1970, ROOTS had a vision and commitment to produce and deliver quality products adhering to International standards. With a strong innovative base and commitment to quality ROOTS has occupied a key position in both International and domestic market as suppliers to leading OEMS and aftermarket.
The students team along with the faculty members departed from college at 9.30 am. Mr.P.Rajkumar, Training & Development, facilitated the visit. The students were given a brief Overview about the Roots Industries India Ltd. After the session the students were divided into two groups, one group visited the machine sharp department while the other visited the assembly department and switched once they completed. They were given opportunity to observe and understand the real time working of the manufacturing unit; assembly and testing of the horns. The whole process was illustrated to the students. They also understood the corporate cultures followed at Roots Industries which was highly impressive. The students got excited and curious after the visit. The visit was wrapped after a Q&A session at Roots Industries. The students returned to the campus by 1.30 pm. The study visit was coordinated by Mr. Jagdish and Ms. Monisha.