Guest Talk on Cash Flow Analysis
“Revenue is vanity, profit is sanity, but cash is king.”
Department of Commerce organised a Guest Talk on Cash Flow Analysis for II B.Com PA students on 18/02/2020. The Resource person was Mr. L. Kamesh, Chartered Accountant, S. Lakshminarayanan Associates, Coimbatore. L.Kamesh is a Chartered Accountant practising as a partner in family firm, S, Lakshminarayanan Associates, an ISO certified leading Chartered Accountant firm in Coimbatore. As a partner, he deals with Audits of Listed Companies, Corporate clients in varied fields, Like Engineering, Information Technology, Real Estate Investments, Distilleries, Textiles. He looks after payroll and other management services for clients. Mr.Kamesh qualified both as a Chartered Accountant and Cost Accountant in the year 1999. He recently qualified in the Valuation Course Conducted by Corporate Laws & Governance Committee of ICAI in 2017. He graduated as First Rank Holder in Commerce from PSG College of Arts & Science. He has following milestones in his career such as, Special invitee AASB , (Auditing & Assurance Standard Board), ICAI, New Delhi in 2011-12. , Chairman of ICAI , Coimbatore in year 2009 -10, Member Board of Studies, PSG College of Arts & Science and Hindustan College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore. He delivered lectures at many schools and colleges in Coimbatore.
The session started with a welcome address and Introduction of Guest by Ms. Saraswathy .E of II B.Com PA. He started the session with the different financial statements which are to be compulsorily maintained by the companies like Profit and loss statement, Balance sheet and the Cash Flow Statement. He emphasized on the applicability of Cash Flow Statement. He elaborated upon the various aspects of a Cash Flow Statement and listed the various components of the Cash Flow Statement, he gave specific instances of what forms part of the Cash Flow Statement and what does not form part of this Statement. He also briefly touched upon the uses of cash flow statement and also stressed on methods of preparing cash flow statement. Both the methods i.e. direct method as well as Indirect method of preparing CFS to the students. The 3 major heads of the cash flow statements were also highlighted. The students were also actively involved in the session. Towards the end of his session, he explained the difference between AS3 and Ind AS3.The session was closed with proposing the vote of thanks by Mr. S. Abhinivesh of II B.Com PA. The students found the session was interesting and informative.