Dr. N. Sridevi is an accomplished academic professional with a wealth of educational and research experience. She earned her Ph.D. in Marketing – Real Estates from Mother Teresa Women’s University in 2015 and holds an M.Phil from Annamalai University (2006), an M.Com from Annamalai University (2004), a B.Com from Lady Doak College, Madurai, and an MBA in International Business from Alagappa University (2010). Additionally, she completed a Diploma in Yoga and Naturopathy from Manonmaniam Sundaranar University and Dr. MGR University in 2004. With over 13 years of experience, Dr. Sridevi serves as an Assistant Professor and is a dedicated researcher. Her academic interests lie in the fields of marketing and entrepreneurship, where she has supervised postgraduate projects for more than 9 years. She participated in a one-month group study exchange program in California in 2010 and represented India at the SIFE World Cup in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, showcasing her commitment to global engagement.
Furthermore, Dr. Sridevi continues to enhance her knowledge and skills. She recently completed an MA in Yoga for Human Excellence from Bharathiar University, with final-year practical’s scheduled for the future. She is also actively engaged in furthering her expertise by currently pursuing a Post Graduate Program in Data Science and Business Analytics (PGDSBA) through Great Learning and the University of Texas, Austin (2023-2024). In addition to her academic pursuits, she is guiding a full-time Ph.D. scholar in the field of Marketing, further contributing to the growth and development of the academic community.
Travelling, Cooking ,Reading Books, Yoga and Listening to music.
Positive and Empathetic individual with a strong foundation in perseverance and hard work.
“To establish a holistic center dedicated to fostering human development and advancement.”
Mother , Rhonda Byrne and Robin sharma
Currently pursuing CurrentlyPursuingPostGraduateProgram in DataScienceand Business Analytics-PGDSBA-2023-2024 Great Learning and University of Texas Austin
A study on purchase of immovable property with reference to consumers in Chennai. |
Participated in the Faculty development Programme Monitoring office- Innovation & Entrepreneurship Development program from 25th October 2016 to 27th October 2016 at AnnaUniversity, Chennai. |
Attended a workshop on SPSS packages & Amos on July 2012 organized by internal quality assurance cell of EthirajCollege |
Workshop on rethinking work culture on June 2012 organized by internal quality assurance cell of EthirajCollege |
National Symposium on Management insights from Indian epics organized by Department of Business Administration of EthirajCollege for women in the year 2015 January. |
Workshop on Time series Technique organized by Department of business Economics of Ethtiraj college in the year 2012 October. |
Participated in Faculty Development Programme on Research Paper writing and Publication organized by Saveetha Management School, Saveetha Engineering College on 21st and 22nd of July 2012. |
Participated in the Faculty development Programme in Entrepreneurship organized by centre for entrepreneurship development sponsored by Ministry of science and technology during October 20-31, 2009(Twelve Days) at centre or entrepreneurship development training campus, Arasaradi,Madurai(WWW.cedtn.org) |
Attended 95th Annual conference of The Indian Economic Association held at GITAM University, Visakha patnamduring 27-29 December,2012. |
Attended one day workshop on “Stress management” on 23.09.2016 organized by the UGC cell in Ethiraj college forwomen Chennai. |
Attended a one-day workshop on “Work Life Balance” on 22.08.2017 organized by UGC. Cell in Ethiraj college forwomen Chennai. |
Participated in a National Symposium on Equitable Taxation and inclusive Growth – An insight into Goods service and Service Tax on 29th August 2017 by Department of Business Administration in Ethiraj college for women Chennai. |
Two-day Faculty Development Workshop on Statistical analysis using AMOS on 18th& 19th December 2018-Conducted by Ethtirajcollege for Women. |
Participated in National Level Online Webinar on “Doctoral Thesis: key components and research skills” and Research Funding opportunities in India and Abroad“ organized by IQAC & Research cell on 14th May 2020. |
Partcipated in the National Webinar on “ challenges and Changes during Covid-19 Pandemic” organized by Department of bank management, EthirajCollege for women , Chennai.- May11,2020 |
Participated webinar on Safe guarding Savings-organized Ethirajcollege and Prime Academy Pvt Ltd. |
Participated in the Webinar on Managing Financial Health Postcovid” organized by the Department of BankManagement – May 20 –2020 |
Participated in the webinar on Impact factor, H index and google Scholar” organized by the PG and Research Department of commerce-Ethirajcollege for women and Wiley and miles education |
Participated in the National Webinar on “Use of Elsevier Tools in Research Work flow” organized by University of Madras and Elsevier. |
International Webinar on “Application of Chanakya Niti in Modern Education” organized by Bunts Sangha Mumbai,Anna Leela College of commerce, Shobha Jayaram Shetty college for BMS in association with Mumbai university and College teachers Association MUCTA. |
Completed One Week National FDP on ICT Enabled teaching from 14th to 21st September 2020- Organized by World Tour is Management Federation and Kalahandi University Odisha. |
Participated in a Future Proof your teaching skills learning series by Harappa from 6 to 16th October.23.Completeda Two -Week Faculty Development Programme on Research Methodology From October 1st to October 16th 2020 organized by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi and Ministry of Human Resourced Development. |
Completeda One-Week Faculty Development Programme on Development and Implementation of MOOCS From October 21st to October 27th 2020 and secured A+, organized by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College,Universityof Delhiand Ministry of Human Resourced Development. |
Completed Online Certificate Course Cum Workshop of 32 hours on Professional Documents with Microsoft – Wordorganized by Department of ComputerScience & Applications,Sanatan Dharma College,Ambala Cantt, Kurukshetra University, Delhi from 14th October to 28th October 2020. |
Completed 7 Days Faculty Development Programme on “Research Methodology in Social Sciences” held from 21st to 29th April 2021 organized by S.M. Shetty College of Science, Commerce & Management studies,Powai,Mumbai. |
Participated in 3 days Workshop on Learning Statistics and Data Analysis Using MS Excel held on 28-30 April 2021, Organized by Simple Statistics Solution and Training Provider,Tirunelveli. |
Completed AICTE Online Sponsored Short Term Training Programme Titled “NLP techniques for Teaching GEN Z students: Rethinking new ways of communication” – organized by Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science,Coimbatore from 4/1/2021 to 9/1/2021. |
Completed Online Certificate Course Cum Workshop of 32 hours on Android App Development using block programming organized by Department of ComputerScience & Applications,Sanatan Dharma College,Ambala Cantt, Kurukshetra University,Delhi from 21st December to 30th December 2020. |
Participated in 3 days Workshop on Learning Statistics and Data Analysis Using SPSS held on 4th -6th February 2021,Organized by Simple Statistics Solution and Training Provider, Tirunelveli. |
Completed Virtual Learning Programme on AdobeSpark on Digital Disha programorganized by Cognizant and Adobe Q1 2021. |
Participated in a Webinar Titled “Building Netiquettes and safe CyberSpace “organized by WomenDevelopment cell and Sociology department of VazeCollege Mumbai,on September 19,2020. |
Attended Oneday National Level Faculty Development Programme on “Gamification of Online Teachingorganized by S.M. Shetty College of Science, Commerce & Management studies, Powai, Mumbai, on 31st October 2020. |
Completed a Certificate Course on Stock Market and Data Analysis from Fin mark and NSE July 2022 |
Attended 2 day Leadership Programme in Aanakatti – Organised by KCLAS- July 17th and 18th 2022. |
Participated in Faculty knowledge sharing Program on How to write a Research Paper in Scopus Listed Journal organized by department of Business Administration Rajshree Institute of Management and technology , Uttra Pradesh , June 29th 2022. |
Online Master Class on Digital Marketing Fundamental by IID -30th June 2022. |
One Day Workshop on Fintech- block chain and Crypto Currency -KPR College of Arts , Science and Research July 22nd. |
NVIVO Workshop Organised by KCLAS on September 2023 |
Mendeley Software organized by KCLAS on October 2023 |
Spirit of SIFE Award for Soka Ikeda College of Arts and Science – Faculty Co-Ordinator – Received in Mumbai 2008 – All India Level.GSE- Group study exchange programme representing India from Different Professionals Attended one month group study exchange programme in California for a period of one month from October2010 to November 2010. |
Awarded as best faculty advisor in SIFE in 2011 and participated in the world cup at Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. (32 countries participated in the world cup). |
Leadership award by Mahindra & Mahindra in 2016 Septemeber by Enactus (Entrepreneurial action us) India-Mumbai- Taj Lands’ End. |
Faculty advisor Award by SIFE India for the year 2018–Cash Award of 15000 |
International Academic Conference on Humanities and Social Science presented a paper on A Study on Purchase of Immovable Property with reference to consumers of Chennai, Germany- Leipzig on May 9-10,2018. |
Best Faculty Award – Student Development – Kumaraguru Institutions in Employment achievers day 2022. |
District Award – Best Consumer Club in Coimbatore District and received Award from District Collector on March 2023. |
Received a Cash Award of Rs. 5000 from Government for Celebration of World Consumer Rights Day |
Dr.N.Sridevi was Awarded as Best Consumer Club Co-ordinator during Inter collegiate Event Organized by Citizen Voice Coimbatore a Voluntary Consumer Organization. While the Competitions were held on Kumaraguru Campus , the Award was given in an event Organized in the presence of G.Chandeesh- Deputy Commissioner of police, Coimbatore North. The Award was given During the Prize Distribution Function on August 24th |
Administration and Community Activities:
Hibiscus juice for Rural women – Redhiils – Chennai and Vaniamalli – Andhra.
Screen Printing – Destitute Women center – Perambur
Azola – Chengalpattu women group.
Awareness of Ahimsa Silk.
Herbal Hair oil – Vanur- Near Pondichery
Dr. N.Sridevi, Ms. Asvitha Thanya S II B.Com and Dhanyasri.K II BCom presented a paper in International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Banking and Insurance Organized by Department of Commerce with Banking and Insurance organized by Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science on 25th August, 2023. Paper Title : A Study on the Current Trends in Green Banking. |
Dr. N.Sridevi, Ms. Krishna Niharitha.R II B.Com and Sangamithra.S II BCom presented a paper in International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Banking and Insurance Organized by Department of Commerce with Banking and Insurance organized by Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science on 25th August, 2023. Paper Title : A Study on Life Insurance Ownership based on Gender. |
Published article on title “Corporate Social Responsibilities of Real Estate – Builders “in State level Seminar inFebruary 2012. |
Presented and published an article on “E-commerce Business to Business in a International conference organized by university of madras in the year 2011 March. Presented a Paper on The Role of Industry in quality enhancement in institutions of higher education on National conference organized by department of corporate secretaryship. |
Presented and publish edanarticleon Clima techangeroadahead for corporate survival in a international conference organized by Periaruniversityin 2011.Presented and published the research article on international conference held by sai ram institute of Management studies title “AStudy on purchase of immovable property with reference to consumers of Chennai.In 2013(with ISB Nnumber) Online publication of research article on Inter continental Management Research Review (www.icmrr.org)-articleon” Astudy on purchase of immovable property with reference to consumers of Chennai”-ISSN 2321-0346 Impact factor-0.612-volume2, Issue 12, December 2014. Certificate number-1208 IJMRR. |
Presented a paper on A study on Purchase of Immovable property with reference to consumers of Chennai in 2nd Inter national Conference on emerging trends in Engineering, Science and Management Held on 13th August 2017 at Indian Federation of United Nations Associations NewDelhi, India(IFUNA) |
Presented a paper on “Promoters and agents’ perspective on purchase intention by real estate customers with special reference to Chennai”.- Multidisciplinary International conference on ‘Redefining Business in Digital Era: Issues & Challenges ‘dated 29th May 2020.organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cellof * BuntsSangha’s S.M.Shetty College of Science, Commerce and Management Studies, Powai, Mumbai. |
ii) Published with – ISSN- 1006-7930 issue with impact factor 7.03 SCOPUS – Journal of Xi’an University of Architecture & Technology (March Issue): |
Published a Paper on“Impact of GST in Hospitality Sector”in International Journal Of creative thoughts with |
97 impact Factorby Google Scholar Volume 9,Issue 5 –Date of Publication 25th May 2021.Sciences. |
Published Biannually by New Archaeological & Genological Society Knapur India – ISSN Number – 2348-8301- Title – A study on the factors that attract the Investment in Crypto Currency in Coimbatore district.- Issue no 8,2022. |
Published a Paper on “Study on Purchase of Immovable property with reference to Women consumers in Coimbatore District in International Journal of creative thoughts with 7,97 impact factor by Google scholar- May 2022. |
A Study on Staycation :The Perception and Attitude of Tourists in Kerala Scenario- Journal of Tourism , Hospitality & Culinary Arts(JTHCA) 2022-volu 14(3) Publishing date 30th December 2022.- ISSN number-1985-8914 . https://www.jthca.org/online-issues |
Dr. N. Sridevi, Associate Professor of Commerce, Kumaraguru College of Liberal Arts and Science, along with Ms. Krishna Niharitha.R II B.Com & Ms..Dhanyasri.K II B.Com published a paper on “A Study on Life Insurance Ownership Based on Gender” in the ISBN book through conference proceedings on “Artificial Intelligence in Banking and Insurance” organized by Dept. of commerce with Banking and Insurance, Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science on 25-08-2023. with ISBN NO: 978-93-340-0104-4.Page no 75-76 |
Dr. N. Sridevi, Associate Professor of Commerce, Kumaraguru College of Liberal Arts and Science, along with Ms. Asvitha Thanya.S II B.Com & Ms..Sangamithra.S II B.Com published a paper on “A Study on Current trends in Green Banking ” in the ISBN book through conference proceedings on “Artificial Intelligence in Banking and Insurance” organized by Dept. of commerce with Banking and Insurance, Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science on 25-08-2023. with ISBN NO: 978-93-340-0104-4 Page No :80-81 |
Conducted a Faculty Development Programme for School teacher son 11th and 12th March 2021 for School Teachers in the Topic “Magic in Classroom with NLP”.50 Participants actively participated from All over India and The trainer of the Section was Dr.Sumathy Narayanan,President, Creative Communication & Management Centre. |
Organised a Workshop for School teachers on “ Clean Energy Transitions “ – March 2023 – World Consumer Rights Day – The resource person was Dr |
Resource Person on the Topic Women Entrepreneurship in NGM College for the National Seminar sponsored ICSR |
International Visits: – Group study exchange programme representing India from Different Professionals Attended one month group study exchange programme in Cal if ornia for a period |
Awarded as best faculty advisor in SIFE in 2011 and participated in the world cup at Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. (32 countries participated in the worldcup). |
External Engagements: Initiated MOU with DVS company for internship for professional course students with kumaraguru college of liberal arts and science. |
Inaugurated citizen consumer clubin kumaragurucollege of liberal arts and science. |
Initiated the Citizen Consumer Club in Kumaraguru College on March 15th, 2021– Chief Guest for the session was Mr.Vijayakumar I.A.S.(R), Commissioner, Former Secretary to Government of Tamil Nadu. Students from various departments enrolled in the club. 400 student shaveregistered as members. |
Conducted National Consumer Rights Day on December 28th 2021 – Chief guest was Dr.Sumathy,Professor, Head of Commerce in Bharathiar university and Dr.Vijayathilagam,Assistant Commissioner of Civil Supplies and Consumer Protection Department Chennai. |
Done a Project in Collaboraton with NGO – Civic Action Group on Brand Audit with 50 students there by creating an internship for them. |
Conducted World Consumer Rights Day on March 15th 2022 – Chief guest was Dr.Vijayathilagam, Assistant Commissioner,Civil Supplies and Consumer Protection |
Currently Co-Ordinat or for citizen consumer club along with Civil supplies and consumer protection Government of TamilNādu and have done many awareness programme |
Recently Signed an MOU with Citizen Voice Coimbatore. |
Done a Launch of Villupattu song on Digital financing. Government grant will be received soon from RJD office for Consumer Club. |
Resource Person: Part of Member of Board of Studies in Lady Doak College (Autonomous) – Madurai in B.Com Honors for 2018-2019 & 2020-2021. |
Member of Citizen Voice Coimbatore (NGO) |
Review Member of International Journal OF Critical Thinking. |
Panel Member for Phd Interview – Research Scholars for 2022. |
Moderator for Global Research Conference – paper Presentation Marath on– A cholan Book of World Record Attempt for most numb er of paper Presented Attempt Organised by Cape Forum – You Trust in Association with Universit as AL Asyariah Mandar, Unvisersitas Muhammadiyah Sidenreng Rappang-Indonesia,Batangas State University- Philippines and Open University of Srilanka- 15.10.2023 |
External Member in NGM College Pollachi- Subject Expert for Interview panel for Fauclty Interview – 2021 & 2022. |
Currently Guiding Full Time Scholar PHd in Marketing in Bharathiar University |