A dedicated, resourceful and goal-driven professional with a strong commitment to the social and academic growth. She holds a Doctorate in English Literature with specialization in American Literature. She has published various articles in International Journals. With an experience of more than 15 years in teaching in India and abroad, she thoroughly enjoys working with children and encourages their creative expression
Explore and experiment new things
Optimistic and multi-tasking
To be a role model for the young generation
Optimism and focus of any person in any field is an inspiration
TESOL – Westminster College London
Characters of Philip Roth- A Kaleidoscopic View
Published a Chapter Flipped Classroom- Procedure and Barriers in English Language Teaching and Learning in English Language Teaching Today: Contexts and Issues, ABS Books Publisher, Delhi with ISBN 978-93-91002-36-7. 2021 |
Published a research article on Representation of Womanism in the poems of Kamala Suraiyya in Dogo Rangsang Research Journal – UGC Care 1 Journal – Vol.10 Issue 9 No. 4 September 2020. |
Published a research article Motifs and Symbolism in Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man was published in Literary Endeavour, Vol. XI: Issue: 2, April, 2020, (ISSN: 0976-299X) along with Research Scholar Ms. G. Madhavi |
Published a paper An Analysis on Daniel Defoe’s A Journal of the Plague Year and Albert Camus’ The Plague in International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research Volume: 9, Issue: 5(2), May 2020 with ISSN: 2277-7881. Pg.42-45 |
Published a paper The Clutches of Patriarchal Society on Women: a Study on Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small things and Anita Nair’s Ladies Coupe in Quest Journals, Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Science Volume 7 Issue 1 (2019) pp.:22-24. |
Published a paper Portrayal of Post-modern women in the works of Shobha De in International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities, Volume 6, Issue 9, September 2018, pg. 186-191. |
Published a paper The importance of Communicating Culture in English Language Classroom, in LANGLIT Vol.4, issue 1, 2017 |
Published a paper Petrifying Memories rouses quest for Freedom in Beloved in International Journal of Science and Humanities- Vol 1, Number 2, 2015. |
Presented a paper on The Socio-political ideologies and Managerial principles of Mahabharata in the contemporary social order in the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav Interdisciplinary International Conference on Mahābhārata Epic Across Asia: Ancient Indian Knowledge System Transcending Spatio-Temporal Boundaries organized by The English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad from 29.05.23 to 31.05.23. |
Presented a paper on A comparative study of the Sacred Groves and Serpent worship in Kerala and the Sacred Ecology of Bali in the International Conference on India and South east Asia – One Indic Belt held from 5.05.2023 to 07.05.2023, organized by Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi. |
Presented a Paper on An Analysis of the double oppression and marginalized consciousness in Bama’s Sangati in the South Asian Perspectives on the Teaching of English Language and Literature held on 2-3 December 2022, Organized by Shiv Nadar University, Chennai. |
Presented a Paper on Teaching and Learning methodologies employing digital platforms to foster English Language Learning in the International Virtual ELT Summit held on 27-28 August 2022, Organized by ISEL, & MIT ADT University |
Session chair of a Paper Presentation session in the International Virtual Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Education Research and Language Teaching held between 25 August and 26 August 2021 Organized by Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore. |
Presented a Paper on The introduction and integration of Web tools in English Language Teaching in the International Virtual Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Education Research and Language Teaching held between 25 August and 26 August 2021, Organized by Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore. |
Presented a Paper on the topic The interdependent growth of feminism and socio culture from the select works of Austen and Atwood in a three-day International Virtual Conference on Multidisciplinary socio-economic and cultural studies organized by Department of English Bishop Kurialacherry College for Women, Amalagiri, Kottayam, Kerala on 26-28 August 2021. |
Presented a Paper on A Paradigm shift in perceiving and experiencing literature – an analysis in a Two Day International E-Conference on “Redefining Newer Avenues of English Language and Literature’ organized by Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science for Women on 11th Feb 2021 and 12th Feb 2021. |
Presented a paper on a Virtual Conference The Role of Digital Humanities in English Language Classroom in the Two-day International Conference English Literature and Language Education – Embracing Change in COVID Times on 19th and 20th June, 2020 organized Christ College, Irinjalakuda, Kerala. |
Presented a paper on a Virtual Conference Flipped Classroom- Procedure and Barriers in English Language Teaching and Learning in International Online Conference On The COVID19 Pandemic Scenario: Challenges and Solutions in Language and Literature Teaching and Learning on 29th and 30th May, 2020 organized Garden City University, Bangalore |
Presented a paper on Socio-Ecological elements in the indigenous folksong of Pulluvan Pattu in 2nd International Conference on Indigenous Languages (ICOIL-2) conducted by IIT Madras, on the 13th and 14th February, 2020. |
Presented a paper on The Role of Emotional Intelligence in English Classroom in an International Conference on Emerging trends in ELT held at Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Erode. |
Presented a paper on Intercultural Communication in The Progress of English Language Acquisition in iSTEM Conference, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore. |
Presented a paper on The Contemporary youth and their outlook of life in the works of Chetan Bhagat, in the International Conference held at Mepco Schlenk College of Engineering and Technology, Sivakasi and published in The Journal for English Language and Literary Studies (Print) March 2019, pg. 25-36 in ISSN 2249 – 2151 |
Virtually presented a paper on The influence of Educational Psychology in developing Educational Institutions in International Conference on Social Science and Humanities held at Galle Face Hotel, Colombo, Sri Lanka on 23-24, October, 2018 |
Presented a paper on The Quest for identity in the Poems of Kamala Das, in the International Conference on “South Asian Literature” in Bharathiar University, Coimbatore |
Presented a paper on Culture Communication in ELT Classroom in an International Conference CONFLUENCE ’14, held at Tulsiramji Gaikwad Patel College of Engineering and Technology, Nagpur, Maharashtra. |
Presented a paper on Business English Syllabus Design in an International Conference conducted by Asia TEFL, New Delhi, India. |
Published a paper on Integrated Teaching in Language Classroom in an International Conference held at Vel Tech University, Avadi, Chennai ISBN 97881-898-43-496 |
Presented a paper Technology in Grammar Teaching in 7th of April University, Zawia, Libya |
Presented a paper Task based learning in English classroom in Al-Fateh University, Tripoli, Libya |
Presented a paper Business English for Adult Learners in Al-Jabal Al-Garbi University, Ghariyan, Libya |
Conducted a symposium English Language and Second Language Learners in Al-Jabal Al-Garbi University, Zawia, Libya |
Attended a One Week FDP on Discourses on Disability Organized by CMS College, Kottayam, India, from 26 July – 1 August 2023. |
Attended a One Week FDP on Children’s Literature: Reading, Writing and Publishing Organized by National Institute of Technology, Trichy, India, from 17- 22 July 2023. |
Attended a Professional Development Programme on Implementation of NEP2020 for University and College Teachers’ Organized by IGNOU from 9-17 September 2022. |
Attended a One Week International FDP on TESOL & ELT Organized by Satyabhama Institute of Science and Technology, Tamil Nadu, India, from 8- 12 August 2022. |
Attended a One Week International FDP on Major Literary Theories Organized by Krishna University, Andhra Pradesh, India, from 26 July – 2nd August 2022 |
Attended a two-day online workshop “Transformation Through NAAC Accreditation Process, held on 21st & 22nd June 2021 conducted by Institute for Academic Excellence, Hyderabad in collaboration with Collegiate Education& Technical Education Department, Telangana State. |
Attended a One Week FDP on Ensuring Universal Human Values through Education organized by Vardhaman College of Engineering, Hyderabad from 19th to 23rd Oct,2020. |
Attended a One Week FDP on Emerging Trends and Approaches in Language and Literature Organized by ELTAI and KAASH Foundation from 24th 29th August 2020. |
Attended a One Week FDP on Literary Criticism Organized by Thiruvalluvar University Constituent College of Arts& Science, Kallakuruchi, Tamil Nadu, India, from 30th July to 5th August 2020. |
Attended a one week FDP on Futuristic Trends of Language and Literature – Impact on 21st Century Learners, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram Campus, Tamilnadu, July 13th to 18th, 2020. |
Attended the FDP on Canvas your Teaching Ideas using Interactive Web Tools organized by Division of Social Sciences and Languages, School of Advanced Sciences VIT Chennai on 12th June 2020. |
Attended a six day FDP on Deciphering Health and Environment wellness through Pancha Bhootha Concept – Shiksha Sanskriti Utthan Nyas, Tamilnadu, May 13th to 18th, 2020. |
A three-day workshop on Online course design, development and delivery, HRDC- University of Hyderabad, 07.05.2020 to 09.05.2020 |
A Four-day workshop Digital Technologies for ELT Professionals, Kathmandu University School of Education – 26.04.2020 to 29.04.2020. |
Attended a Two Day workshop on Revised NAAC Norms and Procedures at Bharathiar University on 26th & 27th October 2018. |
Teaching and Learning in General Programs – IISc Bangalore |
Environment and Development – IIT, Madras |
Interpersonal Skills – IIT, Rookee |
Emotional Intelligence – IIT, Kharagpur |
Perspectives on Neurolinguistics – IIT, Rookee |
Applied Linguistics – IIT, Madras |
Educational Psychology – IIT, Kharagpur |
Outcome based Pedagogic principles of effective teaching -IIT, Kharagpur |
Writing and Editing: Word Choice and Word Order University of Michigan, |
Excel Basics for Data Analysis IBM Skills Network, Coursera |
Introduction to Cybersecurity Tools & Cyber Attacks IBM Services, Coursera |
Cybersecurity Roles, Processes & Operating System Security IBM Services, Coursera |
Adobe Spark -Digital Disha program Cognizant Technologies |
Constructive teaching and learning with technology Tata Institute of Social Science, Mumbai |
Introduction to Digital Journalism Reuters |
The Digital Teacher UNESCO, MGIEP |
Get Interactive: Practical Teaching with Technology University of London – Coursera |
e-Learning Ecologies: Innovative Approaches to Teaching and Learning for the Digital Age University of Illinois – Coursera |
Wonders of Ancient Egypt University of Pennsylvania – Coursera |
Introduction to Augmented Reality and ARCore Google AR & VR – Coursera |
Powerful Tools for Teaching and Learning Web 2.0 Tools University of Houston – Coursera |
Teach English Now! Foundational Principles Arizona University – Coursera |
Introduction to Ancient Egypt and Its Civilization University of Pennsylvania – Coursera |
A journey through Western Christianity from persecuted faith to Global Religion Yale University – Coursera |
Blended Language learning: Design and Practice for Teachers University of Colorado Boulder – Coursera |
Learn to teach online UNSW Sydney – Coursera |
Effective Problem-Solving and Decision-Making University of California, Irvine – Coursera |
Meditation: A way to achieve your goals in your life Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) – Coursera |
Inspiring and Motivating Individuals University of Michigan- Coursera |
Moralities of Everyday Life Yale University – Coursera |
Schizophrenia Wesleyan University – Coursera |
Organizational Analysis Stanford University – Coursera |
Emotions: A Philosophical Introduction Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona – Coursera |
Employed in Aljabal Algarbi University, Libya |
Guided 1 Ph.D Research |