Dr. G. Suganya has an industrial experience of 4 years in textiles and automobile sector and has been in the field of research and teaching for 5 years. She has completed her Doctorate in Management Sciences under Anna University and has completed her masters and bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from PSG Institutions. She has completed Post Graduate Diploma in Banking and Management. She has been a “Gold Medalist” in her under graduation. She has been awarded as “Best Professional Employee of the Year 2015” when she was in the industry.
Painting, Classical Dance, Academic Writing
Self-Motivator, Leadership, Flexible, Fast Learner
To encourage engaged and creative minds through student-centered active-learning sessions
To encourage creative thinkers who will meet the challenges of their era
To inspire the minds of a generation
“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” —Walt Disney
S.No | Title of the Article | Name of the Journal | Volume, Issue & Page No | Year of publication | ISSN/ISBN No |
1 | Efficiency Model For The Proliferation of Secondary Market Supply Chain–With Reference To The Indian Garment Cluster | Acta Tecnología | Volume: 7 2021 Issue: 3 Pg No: 83-92 | 2021 | 2453-675X |
2 | A Study on the Perception of Gen Z towards Industry Readiness Skills | Journal of the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda | Volume 55, Issue 3(V), Pg. No: 353-360 | 2021 | 0025-0422 |
3 | Post-millennial Generation’s Prudence on Employability Skills | Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT) | Volume 12, Issue 12, Pg. No: 104-112. | 2021 | 1309-4653 |
4 | Does the Perception Regarding Skillset Requirements Differ among Students, Faculty and Industry Practitioners to meet Industry 4.0? | Design Engineering Journal | Volume 2021, Issue 8, Pg. No: 4584-4596 | 2021 | 0011-9342 |
5 | Co-living spaces-The new paradigm shift in the Indian Real Estate Market | In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Combinatorial and Optimization | ICCAP 2021 | 2021 | DOI 10.4108/eai.7-12-2021.2314623 |
6 | Determinants of supply chain effectiveness during economic slowdown–an exploratory study of the Indian Textiles Cluster. | Industria Textila | Valume – 71,Issue – 6, Pg. No – 519-529 | 2020 | 1222–5347 |
7 | Developing Metrics for Improving the Efficiency of Pre-Sales Process in Information Technology Industries | Journal of Xidian University | Volume: 14, Issue No: 4 | 2020 | 1001-2400 |
8 | Website Communication Effectiveness – A Multi-Method Study | Journal of Critical Review | Volume: 7, Issue No: 13, Pg. No: 1249-1257 | 2020 | 2394-5125 |
9 | Equipping Students for the 4th Industrial Revolution – An Empirical Study | International Journal of Management (IJM) | Volume 11, Issue 6, Pg. No: 1357-1364 | 2020 | 0976-6502 |
10 | A Study on Challenges before Higher Education in the Emerging Fourth Industrial Revolution | International Journal of Engineering, Technology, Science and Research | Volume No: 4, Issue No: 10 | 2017 | 2394 – 3386 |
11 | A Study on Assessing Insurance Awareness in India, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention | International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention | Volume: 06, Issue: 07 | 2017 | 2319 – 7722 |
12 | Strategic& Challenges in Quality Leadership in the Public Sector | International Journal of Business intelligent | Volume: 01, Issue: 02 | 2012 | 2278-2400 |
1. | 18th – 19th November, 2021 | Goa Institute of Management, Goa | Enablers and Outcomes of supply Chain Collaboration for Sustainable Growth in the Garment Manufacturing Sector |
2. | 26th – 27th March, 2021 | PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research, Coimbatore | Post-millennial Generation’s Prudence on Employability Skills” had been presented at the “1st International Conference on Next Generation Computing Systems – ICNGCS – 2021 |
3. | 12th March, 2021 | Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, Erode | Understanding Coronomics: Implications of Covid-19 Pandemic In India |
4. | 19th – 20th December, 2020 | Prestige Institute of Management and Research, Gwalior | Employability Skills to Meet Industry 4.0 |
5. | 20th October, 2020 | Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science for Women, Coimbatore | Study on the Perception of Gen Z towards Industry Readiness Skills |
6. | 29th 30th June, 1st 2nd July, 2020 | Athens Institute for Education and Research, Athens, Greece | Efficiency of the Unorganised Sector’s Supply Chain |
7. | 25th – 26th July, 2020 | 5th International Online Conference on Recent Advancements in Interdisciplinary Research ISSN- 2394-5125 | Website Communication Effectiveness – A Multi-Method Study |
8. | 23rd – 25th March, 2018 | AICP Conference | Equipping students for the 4th Industrial Revolution: An Empirical Study |
9. | 18th July, 2012 | Kongunadu Arts Science College, Coimbatore | Strategy on Leadership Styles Challenges in Quality Leadership in the Private Sector |
10. | 9th10thMarch, 2012 | Stella Maris College, Chennai ISBN:978-81-8286-015-5 | Cloud Computing- An Innovative Cutting Edge to Business |
11. | 15th Feb, 2012 | Kongunadu Arts Science College, Coimbatore | Stress among the Police Personnel’s (Coimbatore District) |
12. | 3rd Feb, 2012 | Karpagam University, Coimbatore ISBN:978-93-80426-69-3 | Stress among the Police Personnel’s |
13. | 10th Jan, 2012 | Rathinam College of Arts Science, Coimbatore | Performance of Private Players in Insurance Sector |
14. | 11th12th Nov, 2011 | Periyar Maniammai University, Thanjavur ISBN:978-93-81583-66-1 | Ethical Marketing for Competitive Advantage on the Internet |
Webinar on “Discover Emerald journals for your research”, organized by PSG Institute of Management, Coimbatore on 18th June, 2020
Webinar on “Managing Literature by Using Mendeley”, organized by Aggarwal College, Ballabgarh on 7th June, 2020
Webinar on “The Future of Education, Employment & Entrepreneurship”, organized by ICT Academy on 4th May, 2020
Virtual Power Seminar on “Job Skills to Succeed in A Post-Pandemic World”, organized by ICT Academy on 4th May, 2020
One Day Workshop on E-Resources for Teaching, Learning and Research, organized by PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore on 13th March, 2020.
MDP on “Data Visualization using Tableau”, organized by PSG Institute of Management, Coimbatore on 1st & 2nd November, 2019
FDP on “Research Methodology”, organized by PSG Institute of Management, Coimbatore on 19th – 21st September, 2019
Marketing Alchemy Workshop “Synchrona 2018”, organized by PSG Institute of Management, Coimbatore on 2nd & 3rd March, 2018.
FDP on “Strategic Business Analytics – R Programming”, organized by PSG Institute of Management, Coimbatore on 25th & 26th October, 2017
Awards/ Achievements/ Others:
Worked as a Researcher in a collaborative research project conducted by University of Leeds (UK) and the Goa Institute of Management which was funded by the UK’s Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) – (2022).
Worked as Research Assistant in Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), Impactful Policy Research in Social Science (IMPRESS) (2020 – 2021).
Worked as a Research Assistant in a collaborative research project conducted by University of Leeds (UK) and the Goa Institute of Management which was funded by AHRC, UK under AHRC Modern Slavery Policy and Evidence Centre COVID-10 SPF 2020 – (2020 – 2021).
Worked as Research Assistant in a collaborative research project conducted by University of Leeds (UK) and the Goa Institute of Management which was funded by University of Leeds and British Academy – (2018 – 2019).
Organized Scenario Workshop on ‘Following the Thread’: Understanding the impact of the Modern Slavery Act on British clothing businesses and their supply chains in collaboration with University of Leeds, UK.
Won the “Best Professional Employee of the Year 2015 Award” from Audi Coimbatore
First Rank Holder (gold medalist) of the Department of B.B.M – Information Systems(2010-2013)
Vice-chairperson of the Department of Management Sciences (2012-2013)
Artist Award for the year 2008, 2010 & 2012 (District Level)